ITS is a global managed services provider with 35 years of experience in managing IT infrastructure and operations (I&O). We accelerate business value for our customers by providing flexible customized solutions for enterprise technology monitoring and management, service desk outsourcing, security and desk-side support.
ITS enables customers to focus on their strategic initiatives by providing solutions that fit their unique IT environment. Driven by innovation and proven by results, our team reduces your costs by streamlining IT support and transforming the way technology and tools are used.
We appreciate the opportunity to offer @@CLIENT@@ our ROI assessment. This assessment will help you compare your current costs, execution and effectiveness against the goals that have been established by the @@CLIENT@@ management team and against alternatives offered by ITS which are enabled by industry service management best practices and industry leading technologies. Through our due diligence, ITS will identify variances to your desired state of performance, determine root cause(s) and suggestion mitigation actions, which we can help implement. The net result of this exercise is a thorough analysis of your service program, with identified areas for improvement and a high-level plan to achieve the desired goals.